Even given the title of this blog, I still feel compelled to offer a disclaimer of sorts, as I am taking a break from working on a Google Docs spreadsheet, to make this post using Google's Blogger site. I am impressed with how much Goolge Docs has improved and while it can't "replace" the function rich, Microsoft Office, it does handle a surprising number of complex tasks. Additionally, my fears of not having a local file are outweighed by the quality of the consistent, cross platform, user experience of Google Docs and Chrome Browser.
Even so, you gotta love this 'GoogleLighting' ad by Microsoft:
That was funny stuff, I just kept hearing "body blow", "body blow" as I watched it.
I think Google can take a punch and Microsoft needs to step up the marketing of it's cloud productivity apps in the wake of an ever improving Google Docs, and Apple's new iCloud extensions everywhere efforts or they risk losing mind share. Just yesterday I was surprised by the mention of the almost completely forgotten Microsoft's Sky Drive, which is really first rate. Is that a Microsoft marketing fail?
One thing is certain, the increased competition in cloud based productivity apps looks to make for some great applications for us users.
Ready... Fight!
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